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Courier Service

[tt_lc_title_shortcode title=”Courier Service” text=”You have found the right partner in us at Five Star Shipping as we offer a safe, robust, and economical process of collecting swift foreign procurements. We have an address in Fort Lauderdale that you can utilize for the receiving of your shipments in the United States and we will handle the shipping details on your behalf.

At Five Star Shipping, we have shipments three times a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. We ship packages and letters to Freeport, Bahamas. It is advisable to send your item to our office in Fort Lauderdale before 11 a.m. the previous day, and it will be shipped and cleared on the same day if there are no issues. We will assist you to handle the clearing details at the customs office in the Bahamas and save your time in the process.

If you do not have a credit card, you can make use of our card and pay us in cash for your procurement’s made in the United States. Moreover, if you want to buy an item from Fort Lauderdale, we can help you.

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shipping and cargo need.” first_link_text=”Contact us” first_link=”#”]
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